About 6 weeks ago, I had this odd inner feeling. I didn't even know how to explain it to Dave, but I just decided to go check under the bathroom sink to see if there was a left over pregnancy test. I've never been one that feels I HAVE to take multiple tests to confirm what the first test says, so I figured since last time we bought a package with a "FREE TEST" in it, I'd have one. I got up early, took the test... stared at the test... nothing... then wait, what was that, is that a tiny pink line? No, I'm just seeing things, maybe the energy saver light bulb hasn't gotten to its brightest spot yet... Oh, no, its there, its turing pink... And there ya had it, staring me back in the face was the number 4! (well, not really, it was just a little faint pink line, but it was screaming FOUR!!! FOUR KIDS!!! FOURTH BABY! at me).
I went and got Dave up, had him squint his eyes and tell me if I was seeing things or not... he saw it right away and said "Ok, then God, no problem" then looked at me with stern eyes and said "WE ARE DONE!" (well, not really STERN, more of a half smirk, and laugh). He knows I'm super fertile, so I think he wasn't surprised at all. Probably more excited about this being a definately LAST and that he would forever shut me up about the conversation of having more. "Should we, Dave?"
I am SUPERDY DUPERDY excited! I am a tad bit shocked at how much love one person can have in their heart. I mean, I love this bean, I'm pretty attached, and he (or if God is THAT funny) she has had so many prayers already prayed over him (uh huh, or her) that IT is definately attached to this family! I am pleased that I was equally excited about each pregnancy. I really thought the wonder of it all would wear off by the time you've had this many... but I am still in total awe of what God is doing, and how sometimes I feel like he does it all just for me!
A few months back I began praying. Before I even mentioned it to Dave. I felt this strong draw that our family wasn't complete. That there was still this one particular kid that belonged in this family. When I mentioned it to Dave, he nodded his head and said "Well, lets pray about that." And within months (no more than 2) here we are. So I have no doubt in my mind that God has mighty plans for this Nathanael Paul, or Nora Rose (this may change, IF it really is a girl... I've said these words before... and got the girl, I am very aware of that!). This baby is a Ciske through and through, and God heard my prayers and surprised me with a huge blessing!
So, if you'd continue to pray for a happy healthy next 6 months, I would appreciate it!
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