Saturday, December 31, 2011

Get it together, Woman!

Today is the last day of 2011! Tomorrow starts a new day, a new year, a new task! I plan on taking a 31 day journey in the month of January to become more productive. I'll be researching, putting things into practice, learning by trial and error, and hopefully coming out a more productive person for the year 2012!
So, today, this last day of the year, I need to get this house clean, my Sunday school materials ready, my kids bathed, their clothes laid out and ready to begin a new year filled with less stress, less disorganization, less unproductive-ness... but I have no motivation. I wanted to do all this yesterday, even the day before that... well, really every day since the day after Christmas... but I find myself lounging, putting it off, putting it off... and then putting it off. I don't want that anymore. I want it to be done!

I've been living the life of a mom with a newborn. Sleep when he sleeps (except, I do have THREE other kids that don't sleep on a newborn's schedule). I was up many times a night, up early, up late... my life was a blurr... but I'm over that now. I don't want to live that way again, I'm ready for a life of productivity! I NEED a life of productivity. I am a homeschooler, a mom of a preschooler,a mother of an infant, in ministry with my husband, and a wife... I don't want to neglect any of those roles. So I'm not going to! I'm going to learn to be productive...
Wanna join me? What do you want to learn, gain, change? Take a 31 day challenge with me. Use the next 31 days to learn a new craft, gain wisdom in an area you may be lacking, work at changing an area of your life... I'd love to learn from you, maybe even read along for another 31 day challenge for myself another month!
Here's what you do... Pick your topic, start TOMORROW, research it, put things into practice, find out what works for you, what doesn't. Get inspiration from blogs, friends, self help books and then blog about the journey (or make a note in Facebook about it) each day. The goal is to focus on change on a daily basis, and by the end of 31 days see that change in your life. Whether it be to be healthier, thinner, smarter, craftier, or more organized. I will first try to be more productive... Starting tomorrow!
You with me?

Monday, December 19, 2011

My Littlest man...

Meet my littlest man... He's already 3months old. But Nathanael Paul Ciske was born September 19th! His birth was the best one yet! I was so nervous since I had to be put under and wasn't awake for Ruby's birth, I had been praying for 9 mo that this birth would go smoother. The spinal man had that spinal in in under 10 min! I was so happy! I made sure to listen to everything, to praise God a LOT, and to soak it all in! It was marvelous.
Nate is my one and only child that nurses. He takes bottles, but is a great nurser as well. I finally can say I've nursed at least one baby! And honestly, I love it one day, hate it another... but I love it more than I hate it, cuz I'm still doing it!
He is now cooing and smiling and laughing and I love it! He's very happy and for the most part an easy baby. He has his fussy moments at night.. but he's the 4th, he's the last, he can get away with all those things!
I could go on and on, and I wish I would have been keeping up with the blog, but I must confess, going from 3-4 kids has been a bit harder than I expected. So finding time to get on to blog is hard... but stay tuned (if anyone was ever really "tuned in") come January, I plan to blog every day... more on that later!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"I'm not done with you yet"

I'm not always sure why God calls people to certain tasks, occupations, or seasons in life. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I was called to be a mommy. I felt it early in life. I wanted to just be a wife and mom. When Dave and I got married it was one of the main things we focused on. Living so that I could some day follow this calling and be a stay at home mom. We've made it a priority, sacrificed the "added" things, done without what others would think are "must haves" and we've made it work... because God has helped equip me for this calling.
In the last few years God has added to this calling and I felt very strongly that He wanted me to homeschool. I have my reasons for believing this, and that is for another blog entry. Just know that I feel the decision to homeschool my kids came out of much prayer... many sleepless nights of prayer, and an answered prayer.
I feel called. Some are called to be doctors, some are called to be pastors, some are called to be counsellors... I was called to be a homeschooler.
That being said, there are days, like today, that I stop and ask God, "Are you sure? I'm not being very patient... I'm not teaching the way they understand. I'm not organized today... wouldn't they be better off in the school up the street, I can walk them there RIGHT NOW!"
Because we are currently struggling (with TWO in school, teaching and giving proper attention to each one of their needs, excelling where need be, slowing down in other areas... PLUS having Ruby run wild unsupervised... maybe struggling isn't the word!). I decided I needed more time. I can't wake up after the kids, take my time with breakfast, drag my feet cleaning up, and eventually start school. I need more "God" time. So I've been getting up earlier. Even if its 15min before the kids. I need to talk to God.
So this morning, with a clean, all sleeping  house, I rise. I spend 45 min in Bible study and prayer. I pray over each member asleep in my home. I covered the school day, the routine, the lessons... I was good to go!
Then school started. Ruby got into her highchair and played with beans. She poured from one container to another, had spoons to dish beans out... ate one or two (yuck, they aren't cooked!) and had her snack in her chair. I got all of Math, and language arts out of the way. It was the perfect example of the perfect homeschool situation.
Ruby got down, Lily transitioned to activity time, and Zech moved on to Science. Then I am pretty sure God stripped the calling to homeschool away... What? You don't believe me? There's no way after what happened within the next hour, that God was still calling ME to homeschool. Zech whined about every single little word he had to read or write. He answered "I don't know" to every question, even when I threw in "What is your name?" I grew more impatient with every whine and stomp of the foot.
Ruby was too quiet so I go check on her to find her with the toilet bowl brush (get ready to gag...) IN HER MOUTH! She had obviously been cleaning the toilets, the floor was wet, she was wet, and well... I was GAGGING! I hand sanitized her entire body! Punished her, cleaned the floors, scrubbed her mouth, and tried to go on to art.
Lily didn't want to clean up activities, but wanted to do art. I told her to make a decision (art isn't worth the fight for me... she was doing other educational things, but the mess needs to be contained... one project at a time!) She threw such a massive fit I had to send her to her room. Where I started Art with Zech. He listened to the lesson, but again answered every question with "I don't know". Growing even MORE impatient, I let my frustrations show... a tad too much! I stopped teaching and told him his assignment. To which both Zech and the now recovered Lily proceeded to pretend to listen only to do their own thing when they got their papers.
After a quick reprimand, and lecture of listening and obeying, following the directions. I went back to the unfinished science. Lily moved on to silent reading... and you probably would never guess that Ruby went BACK to cleaning the toilet AGAIN. This time dragging the brush (that I put up on the counter, in the bathroom where I SHUT The door before) all around the house... with toilet water dripping from it! (praise God that I cleaned that toilet late last night... not that it means its completely sanitary, but its better than a couple days worth of... well you know!) Between that, and Zech's complaint of every word he had to write, read, or think... I was done. I don't want to homeschool. Its not working for us! I'm frustrated. The house is destroyed, the kids are unhappy...
God, WHY did you call me to this life? I suck royally at it!
But you know that in all things I work for the good of those who love me, who have been called according to MY purpose.
Yeah, but, God... do you see the mess I'm making here. Are they learning when there is so much crying, and interruptions, and from a teacher who is about to scream? I'm not good enough for them.
be confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

The days may not go perfect, but this is my calling. I'm not perfect, the one who called me is. I press on to win the prize. This prize may not be given anytime soon (although getting things more "together" would be nice before Nate arrives!). But my blessings come from listening and obeying God's word. He's called me, I will obey. So the homeschool journey continues. I do love it so! Just when I feel I'm going to sink, God throws out His lifeline... no, let me rephrase that... Just when I feel I'm going to sink, God points out the lifeline he's already given me when he called me! I just need to not look down, keep pressing on.
Today's reminder came when I cuddled up with Ruby (who got in so much trouble today for being a 20 month old unsupervised) to read her a story I just happened to grab from the messy bookshelf...

Let me quote an entire book... Not sure if its legal, but I just must... Hermie, A common Caterpillar by Max Lucado
Hermie was a common caterpillar. He didn't have stripes, and he didn't have spots. He ate common leaves and squirmed through common grass. Hermie was just a common caterpillar.

But Hermie did one thing that was not common. He talked to God. Hermie and his friend, Wormie would ask God, "Why did you make us so common?"
 God would answer, "I love you, Hermie and Wormie. But I'm not finished with you yet. I'm giving you a heart like Mine." So they felt better, until they met an ant carrying a big pine cone.

"WOW!" Wormie said. "How do you carry such a heavy load?" "God made me strong," replied the ant.
Hermie and Wormie felt sad. They asked God, "Why can't we be strong like the ant?"
God's answer was kind. "I love you just the way you are. But I'm not finished with you yet."

So they felt better, until one rainy day when they saw a snail.
"You need a house like I have," The snail said. "Its dry in here."
Hermie and Wormie wondered why God hadn't given them a cozy house like the snail's. God reminded them, "Be patient, Hermie and Wormie. I am not finished with you yet."

That made Hermie and Wormie feel much better... until they saw the ladybug.
"You have such pretty spots!" Said Hermie.
"Beautiful!" Wormie agreed.
"You are very kind," the shy ladybug replied. "But this is the way God made me."

That night Hermie prayed. "we're sorry, God, but we don't understand why you made us so..."
"Common?" God said, "Don't worry. I 'm not finished with you yet. I'm giving you a heart like Mine."
Hermie turned to his friend and yawned. "I'm feeling very, very sleepy."
"Then let's make you a soft, comfy bed," Wormie suggested.

As Hermie drifted off to sleep in his soft bed, he thought about what God had said, and he prayed: "You know, god, its okay that I'm a common caterpillar. You love me, and that makes me special."

That night Hermie had a funny dream. He dreamed he was special like the ant, the snail, and the ladybug.

When Hermie woke up, it was dark. he was covered from head to toe. What had happened to his bed? As he squirmed to get out it began to fall and crack open. But-- wait-- he felt a tickle on his back...

Suddenly, soft wings fluttered open! With hardly any effort, Hermie began to fly. Up and Up, higher and higher, he soared over the trees.
As Hermie flapped his new wings, he began to understand what God had been telling him. He wasn't like the ant... or the snail... or the ladybug. He was Hermie-- a beautiful butterfly with a beautiful heart.
Hermie had to tell Wormie the good news.

"Look, Wormie!" Hermie called out.
"WOW! Is that really you, Hermie?"
"Yes, its me! God wasn't finished with me, Wormie. And he is not finished with you, either!"
Wormie's smile grew bigger and bigger. Now he understood, too.

You can get this book at

He's not finished with me yet! My kids will learn. I will will get it all together... someday! And through it all, not only do I get the benefits of watching my kids survice this journey, but I get a heart like HIS! Let it be, Lord, Let it be!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What if...

Last year I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to teach Zech how to read. He knew his letter sounds and how to piece a few sounds together, but wasn't reading at all. I was terrified. I read everything I could on "HOW" to teach reading. Then I took a deep breath and did the A Beka curriculum. He caught on quickly and excelled! Today, a year later, he is insulted when I give him books "under" his reading level. I am constantly pulling out books, looking up their reading levels and giving him 1 book that is easy, or under his reading level, one that is right about a 2nd grade reading level, and then one challenging book. These are usually end of 2nd grade or beginning 3rd grade levels and are MUCH longer. He can read flawlessly until about 10 min into the book, then wants to quit. So although the words may not be a challenge, the reading required to finish the book is.

What if I decided that because he is such a great reader I would just stop teaching him anymore phonics, told him he didn't need books, and never mentioned him reading again. Although he may be happy about this, I am thinking that by 4th grade, he'd be WAY behind. By Jr. High, he'd be failing all other subjects that require reading. By Highschool, he'd give up all together and probably drop out. The emotional toll of being illiterate would overcome him and he'd be a High School drop out. That can't read, so he can't get a job, and he'd be living in my house... FOREVER... not much fun!

Now, what if you went to church one day, was taught about the wonderful things Christ did for you (Came from a cozy seat next to God, the father, to be a human, with human limitations, was mocked, ignored, then eventually beaten and hung on a cross for doing nothing at all to do die for YOUR sins and offer you eternal life with him in heaven!). You learn about this man, you accept it. You excel in "knowledge". But then assume you know all you need to know and leave it at that.
You no longer pick up The Book to read. You no longer attend church to learn. You no longer even talk about the man that did those wonderful things for you so long ago. Where would you be? An illiterate Christian. You'd be WAY behind. And eventually drop out!

If you stopped reading at age 6, never to read again, would you even be considered a "reader" 10 years later? You may have some reading knowledge, but you definitely would be lacking. Imagine all you'd miss out on. The blessings of the way a book can spark your imagination. The blessings of getting and keeping a job. The blessing of reading the world around you.

If you stopped growing as a Christian within a year of your salvation, never to go back and act out a life of this Christianity, would you even be considered a "Christian" years later? You may have some "christian" knowledge, but you definitely would be lacking. Imagine all you'd miss out on. The blessing of the way The Book (the Bible) enhances your life, sparking a spiritual renewal on a regular basis. The blessings of hearing God's calling in your life, and living out those divine appointments. The blessing of living in a world around you  with God as your tour guide. 

Once Zech tasted and saw how freeing reading was, he became eager to keep reading. He wants to know more, to grow in his vocabulary, to understand more and more. He loves the freedom he has to order off his own menu, read road signs as we travel, pick any book he is interested in and learn from it... all because he didn't stop just because he learned the basics of reading. He continues to grow. Fostering this skill every day through reading, learning, and listening.

Once we've tasted and seen that the Lord is good, we should be eager to keep learning. We need to want to know  more, to grow in His love, to understand more and more. We have freedom to know what God would have for our life, because we've learned how to live in His presence. We gain interest as He opens new doors and shines a fresh light on parts of our lives. We can't just get saved... we need to continue to grow! Fostering this relationship with Christ through reading, learning and listening.

You would never have stopped reading just because you knew all the letter sounds... don't stop with your salvation just because you learned what he did for you. There is SO much more. Imagine a life without being able to read... Life without Christ is WORSE than that, You can't even imagine the difference this relationship can make. Love him more today than you did yesterday... more tomorrow than you do today!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our first day of school

Today was the day. We moved up our start date a few week. The kids were getting anxious, and I need something to occupy my mind as I wait for Nate to arrive.
My kids are homeschooled. They live about 5 blocks from a brick and mortar school. They see school buses pass on a regular basis. All the neighborhood kids go to the school up the street. They have a small desire to join those kids (Lily more than Zech). So although I understand their desire, I have explained to them that this is Daddy and My decision. I do however give them things that they believe makes "GOING" to school so cool. Backpacks is one of them. No, homeschoolers do not need backpacks. They don't take their work anywhere, they don't bring back notes from their teachers, or carry books around. But its a simple request made by homeschool kids that this momma can fulfill. So they got backpacks... and an added little fun treat from momma as well.
Another thing my kids love is to have their lunches packed. They really enjoy eating out of tupperware and lunch boxes instead of plates. And by packing a lunch the night before or as I make breakfast it really does make the day go by more smoothly. Ruby especially loved her lunch box (that we got free!) and the idea of pulling food out of it to eat... wherever she wanted (well, at one of the three tables we have, or on the kitchen floor).

And one of the MAJOR things each kid as desired was to ride the bus to school. Funny thing is, that even if they were to attend the public school up the street, they would be walking. The bus won't pick kids up that live blocks away. So once that notion was out of their mind, they are happy to be homeschooled. To only have to go half days, to still go on outings, and to be together. They love it... BUT, I did let them "walk" to school today. They sported their backpacks out the back door, around to the front and circled the church parking lot, then walked in the front door as Kindergartener and 1st grader.
Lily is my 2nd entering Kindergarten. It was a hard decision to make. She could have waited until next year. But she is so smart. And catches on to whatever I am teaching Zech. It seemed silly to hold her back just because of a few months of her age. We did decide that she will attend all classes outside of school as a 4 year old. But there was no need to hold her back academically. Our biggest concern was where she would place if ever she were to go to public school. But after Dave and I prayed about it, we realized that was not our goal, nor was it something we felt God calling us to. So we decided to take that off the table. We're committed to homeschooling for the long haul. And one of the many perks is that we can meet each child where they are academically regardless of age or "grade". So, there she is. My KINDERGARTENER! (if she wasn't so obsessed with the title, I wouldn't give any of my kids grades, I'd just teach as they learned... but that's one of the compromises I'm willing to make for them!)
Once the kids came inside, we started our day. We did circle time first. This was their favorite thing last year, but this year they wanted to rush through it and get right to the "Work" part. Who would have thought these kids LIKE worksheets and seat work! Forget hands on learning... they wanted to get their new school supplies (which most was not new, but reused from last year) and get to "work".
She didn't like the attention the others were getting. She wanted to bang on pots and pans. When I took the pots away, she proceeded to hit her brother in the head with the spoon! She pulled Lily's hair to get her attention. She wrote on their papers if I gave her some "work" of her own... so tomorrow, she'll be buckled into her highchair. God gave me MANY opportunities to practice patience today. I hope she does better tomorrow.
All in all, the day went great. The house was still standing at the end. Zech ended up complaining at the end because he just wanted to be done (we only had 2.5 hours of school today!) and there was some crying with Lily and her handwriting lesson (those 'S' es can be tricky... too bad there's one in CISKE!) But I was happy to say I had much more patience with her than I did with Zech! (I also am taking into consideration that she is FOUR and still struggles with small motor skills, as opposed to Zech who was 5.5 when he started!).
Here are my "students" Adorable, aren't they?
Once school was over, and lunch had been devoured, I sent them all to nap and rest time and I crashed. I was exhausted. And I slept wonderfully! Now, to do it all over again tomorrow! I love this journey!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Just a tiny glimpse!

I am down to 6 weeks left of my pregnancy. For the most part, I am doing well. I have felt good, I've kept up (barely, but I've managed)... and now, I'm exhausted. I'm having back pain if I stand for too long, if I sit for too long, if I lay on the couch, if I don't roll over at night every 2 hours... its hurting. I'm tired, I feel heavy. Nate is big, and still moving around as if he has all the space in the world. I feel pressure, then I don't. I have contractions... just ONE shy of heading into the Labor and Delivery... I'm ready to be done. But I still have 6 weeks (well, technically, to my due date, I have 8 weeks, but we will safely deliver 2 weeks early).
There is a part of me when I am sitting with top notch pain in my back that wants to just be done. I want my water to just spontaneously break and be rushed in to be relieved... but that is a VERY small part of me, the over all majority of me, the part that knows how bad that first part would be knows that Nate is not ready. He may be measuring big. He may be flipping and dropping and causing momma to be restless, but he's not mature enough. he's too young. So knowing that its my comfort or his health, I would endure this pain for years more... for a life time if it meant he gets to be healthy!
And this made me realize that although my pain is not even close to the pain Jesus felt on that cross, it is a glimpse into the type of sacrifice Jesus made for us.
I would do anything for my children. I've had pain in pregnancy before. I've experienced pain even as I was getting a c-section (maybe not hours and hours of labor, but pretty intense pain when the spinal is not going well), but I did it again... and again... and plan on doing it yet AGAIN... its a sacrifice I make for my children. I've had babies sit on my sciatic nerve making it very hard to move without crying out in pain... but I didn't abort them for my comfort. I endured. Women will go through 48+ hours of hard labor to deliver their babies... then do it again a couple of years later. We make sacrifices (for the next 18 years)... like I said, nothing compared to being beaten and mocked and eventually hanging on a tree to die... but its a glimpse.
A glimpse given to us to understand the type of sacrifice Christ went through in order to give us life. The intense back pain he must have felt. Not just getting whipped, and torn apart by the type of whips used... but to then expose that bloody damaged back to a splintery rough tree for hours!
The excrusiating pain he felt each time he moved to catch a breath (and if you've had girls who like to plant themselves high in your rib cage you have a glimpse into how it is to gasp for your breath).
Its not the same. Not by a long shot... but we catch a small tiny glimpse into the love it takes for a person to endure such pain and discomfort. We are human, it is impossible to love the way God loves. But when we give birth to our beautiful children and we love them with all that is within us we never stop and think "You are not worth all that pain I went through!" NEVER. Some of us look down, then look up at our husbands and say "lets do it again!" (I literally did this last time... I WON'T be doing it this time... but the love is still the same!)
Jesus looks at us, even when we aren't those cute innocent babies and says "You were so worth it!" YOU WERE SO WORTH IT! The sacrifice he made to give us life was big. And he did it with you in mind.
I've shared my story about how I feel each one of my children had a place in our family even before I knew what order they'd come. I just could picture each one as part of my life. And each one has never disappointed me... Jesus saw you long before you saw him, and longed for you to be part of his family. He may not have endured 9mo on that cross, but the pain and agony he endured that day was a lifetime of our sins. And we were so worth it!
I thank God for the tiny tiny glimpse into what it takes to sacrifice. And I thank Him even more for enduring that sacrifice for me... and I'm no cute little baby!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Drop by... I dare you!

I'm an organized person... well, at least I WANT to be an organized person. I like routine, I love to plan, I adore lists! But as life has gone by, I find it harder and harder to get the clutter, the toys, the LIFE we live contained in the proper bins!
When not pregnant, when I have more energy, and mobility I have a better plan. I can get the house clean first thing in the morning and get on with our day... nowadays I find that when I wake up, I want to go lay on the couch for just a few more zzzs. I see the clock at 8am and think "Laundry will still be there in 30 min!" And then its 10 and I'm dragging my feet to find an activity to occupy the kids. So keeping my house clean, decluttered, and organized is too overwhelming at times.
BUT... I am about to have FOUR children! I'm about to homeschool a 1st grader, a kindergartener, entertain a 2 year old and keep a newborn alive! I NEED that organization, routine, and plan!
So, for a week now, I've done it. I have a daily routine, a weekly plan, and a clean house! I've shared my routine before with a few, but lately (like the last 8.5 months) I've been a hypocrit. I am a lot of talk (and wishful, and WANTed a clean house) but inside my house was constanlty in disaray. I was mortified when people dropped by. When neighbors saw inside while we stood outside to talk. I was embarassed if my in-laws dropped by from church and saw what a complete slob I was. But now! This week, at least, I have it all together! I've worked hard, my husband is working hard, and the family is learning the new way of life!
And of course, as I wake and go to bed to a clean house, no one seems to drop by anymore... So drop by, I dare you!

And for those of you who want to see what this schedule is... (yes, I am bragging, but if you felt as accomplished as I do, you'd brag too!)
First rule: Go to bed to a clean house! That means you wake up to a clean house!
When I wake up I tell Dave to take a load of laundry down. I'd like to say, I ask him, but in reality, I tell him. Maybe when I can carry a basket safely down the stairs (and I don't have a huge belly) I will do this, for now the first thing I say to my husband is which basket to carry down for me.
Then I go down and start a load of laundry, and in reality restart the dryer from the load I forgot the night before... we're still getting there.
Then (if I don't sit down to blog first) I unload our dishwasher that we ran after dinner last night. This makes it easy to clean up after our meals throughout the day. Seems simple, but I was piling dishes in the sink a LOT before... so silly!
And I clean up after breakfast. By now the kids have already strewn toys all over the living room... but drop by anyway, I DO have 3 kids, and I have to be realistic.
At 10, I announce that we are going to do a quick clean sweep. The kids pick up their toys, pick up their rooms, and grab themselves a snack (its just goes well together!). I go down and switch the laundry around and pick one small chore to takle (See weekly plan).
At lunch time, the kids eat while I check the laundry again (this is HUGE for me, I have really been sucking in the laundry field lately!!) and begin folding a basket (and hopefully putting it away!). I like to eat when the kids go to bed, so I do this while they are eating. And I takle one more small chore from the weekly plan.
They go to rest time, I clean up their lunch and plop on the couch for my lunch and nap... hey, I get to have a daily nap while I'm pregnant... and for sometime after baby is born! hehe.
3:30 we pick up again, this usually only takes 5-10 min because we've already picked up once, AND we are all learning to pick up as we go (the kids learn by mom hovering over them and saying "Are you done with that? PUT IT AWAY!!!"). I run the vacuum and sweeper on the hardwood, wipe down the counter tops and while I'm at it, I may start the dinner prep. I am trying to have this be a "noise and toys" (phrase I learned from my sister) in the bedroom time. So that no toys make their way back into the living room, and I can actually hear about my husband's day without straining!
My goal is to have a clean house when Dave comes home. Then whatever messes are made after that point are 50% his fault! :)
Then we make sure to clean up after dinner, load and start the dishwasher, and wipe down the counters.
Once the kids go to bed, we look over the 2 front rooms, pick up where needed, and we are free to sit and enjoy our time together. I then usually only have ONE basket of clothing to fold, and Dave helps me put it away. (I put that last part in faith... Dave WILL help me put it away!).
It seems simple, and once we got it down, it WAS easy... but getting there was harder than I thought! And we have some problem areas that need to be squeezed in, but it keeps me from feeling like I am cleaning all day every day only to be embarrassed when a friend comes down for a cup of sugar!

**I do weekly chores throughout the week...
Monday: bedding, load of kid laundry, bathrooms
Tuesday: Mop, 2 loads of laundry, dust
Wednesday: straighten Master bedroom, 2 loads of laundry
Thursday: Bathrooms (including tub)
Friday: Declutter, finish any undone laundry
Saturday & Sunday: keep up with daily chores
And I have one weekly project... like cleaning the computer desk, organizing the school stuff, straightening closets, and eventually maybe I will just LIVE in a state of organization and won't need my lists... although I do love my lists!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Only 10 more weeks!!!

I'm pregnant. I'm HUGELY pregnant... and I'm okay with that! I actually love it again.
When I was pregnant the first time, it was so easy. I loved watching my belly grow... and grow... and grow. I loved the attention that drew, and the waddle I aquired.
When I was pregnant the second time, I was busy. I barely recognized I was pregnant, until one day I realized how HUGE my belly was, and the comments began. We moved to Wisconsin 3 weeks before my due date and I could hear my sister in law in the other room on the phone say "She's SO HUGE" and I actually smiled with pride.
When I was pregnant with the third child, I HATED IT! I was so scared the entire pregnancy. I was uncomfortable, and when people made comments about how huge my belly was I was just NOT in the mood.
Now that I am pregnant with our fourth child, I am in that maternal bliss again. I'm not sure if its because its my last child, last pregnancy (or so I feel God and I have an agreement its the last), or if its because I started off being pregnant with my first little boy, and now I am pregnant with my last little boy. I'm not sure if I feel so great because I see my three other kids so excited to see this big ole belly, and to meet their new brother! Or maybe the fact that I feel SO GREAT is the reason I love being pregnant this time! Whatever the reason, I feel so blessed.
He moves constantly. I am not sure if he never sleeps, or if he is just a mover while he sleeps, but he started making his presence known early and constant! And I love every part of it! I will miss entire shows while I watch my belly make waves.
I am down to 2 pair of pants that fit. My belly is bigger than ever. I carry low so I get comments like "WOW, you've dropped, your ready to pop at any moment" And that was at 5mo. I get looks when I waddle across the baseball grandstands to take pictures of Zech's baseball game. Looks of sympathy, looks of "She looks miserable", looks of complete shock when they find out I have 10 more weeks to go. (and technically, I have 12 weeks, but we should be having him 2 weeks early). But I love it. This is what my body does. I have big babies, I have a tilted uterus that pokes out early and large, and I never gain more than 20lbs. I love the total transformation my body goes through. Its a constant reminder of how AMAZING God is.
I have NO energy... but that may not be a pregnancy thing as much as a "mom of an active 18mo old" thing... either way, I get tired, hot, and irritated quickly... but God is showing me how to use the fruits of the spirit in the midst of trying circumstances. So in some ways I love this stage I am going through. I am learning. But its still really hot!
I can not roll over in bed without sitting completely up... or getting on all fours and crawling into a new position. But I smile and laugh at how funny I must look. I am just loving being pregnant. When I can't sleep, I imagine how this baby will look. How will I feel when they put my last baby on my chest to hold for the first time? I invision myself nursing with ease (wishful thinking, perhaps), caressing his hair (again, wishful thinking that he'll have hair!), and keeping him all to myself (or from the harm his siblings could cause) and I cherish this time of having him all to myself safe and protected inside.
I love this pregnancy. I love this baby!
And I love that from this point on, my family will be complete. We will get to raise them and watch them grow into what God has for them. And as much as I love it, I am looking forward to never being pregnant again (remember, God, we had this agreement!).
But for now... for this moment. I am loving this huge huge HUGE belly, however low it gets (I mean, come on I can't even sit with my legs closed anymore!). I am enjoying the kids' enthusiasm, and the alien type movements my belly is experiencing... I love being pregnant... for the last time.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Nathanael Paul

We have always "planned" our kids. And by "planned" I mean, we prayed about starting a family, or adding to it and we stopped preventing pregnancies, figured out fertile times and purposely "did married things" to produce a baby. The first time took a little longer than expected, but after that when we felt it was time to add to our family we asked God, and "tried" and was pregnant fairly easily...Except this last time.
I'm a planner. When we got married we thought we'd have 2-4 kids (I always, ALWAYS thought 4) and we definately knew we'd have a Zechariah, a Lily, and a Nathanael. I thought the last one would be the surprise and we'd come up with her name at some point... but in my heart, I felt a place for these 4 children.
So when Zech came, I had no doubt he was my Zech. I even had a personality that I felt fit him. We were SO thrilled to welcome our first son. In my head, I figured the boys would be first. But as soon as I took the pregnancy test with my 2nd child, I told Dave, THIS ONE IS A GIRL! By the 3rd, we thought we'd be done and that that would mean that baby HAD to be Nate. When we saw that she was a girl, I was thrilled. It never crossed my mind that we didn't have a nate. We had a Ruby and she was perfect. But instantly I had a longing for another child. I told Dave in the hospital, about 12 hours after having Ruby that I wanted one more. He laughed blamed hormones and said we'd talk about it later.
About 6months ago (give or take a few weeks), I heard a sermon and a story within the sermon was about a woman who became pregnant again after she thought she was done. She was thrilled, but considered it an "interruption". She went on to explain how her husband figured it would happen since he always saw himself with 3 boys... The story really had NOTHING to do with the main point of the sermon, but it caused such a reaction in me I had to leave the room. I bowed before God and asked what he was telling me.
I came home that day, went to my loving husband and said "I think God has a Nate for our family. I know it sounds crazy and VERY specific, but Nate belongs in our family, I know I am not done with our family yet." My husband, who was pretty close to being done, no matter what I said, didn't even hesitate and said "yea, okay." Shocked by his quick response, I said to him "What if I am wrong, and we try to have a baby and its a girl. We can't just keep having kids. How do I reconcile what I feel God is saying with the fact that this COULD mean we have one more girl, not a Nate at all?" And my godly man said back to me, "We leave it to God."
We were not going to prevent a pregnancy, but we weren't going to go crazy plotting temperatures, or cycle dates, or any other odd methods we had heard of. And within 6weeks I was pregnant (OF COURSE!)
My godly man of faith would not even consider girl names he was so convinced it was a boy. I really felt like it was, but had to keep in mind that there is a 50% chance of anything I said being wrong! But I knew what I felt God was saying to me.
This morning I prayed... "Help me reconcile the desire, and the longing for this Nate, if this is a girl with still deciding we are done having kids."
We go in today to see what we are having... and wouldn't God's faithfulness be well... faithful... its a boy! Nathanael Paul will join our family!
Not only have I married the man of my dreams, gone into full time minstry as I felt God calling, got to be a stay at home mom, who homeschools because God called me to do so... but he gives me the 4 children I wanted, blesses me with all the children we thought we'd ever had, and now, he gives me my Nate. God has blessed me with my fairy tale life... I'm not the most perfect person in the world... FAR FROM IT! But God blesses me over and over and over and over!
I would have been perfectly fine with a little Eva Rose, but when God speaks, and we leave it to him to do his thing, the blessings abound. I just amazed at how I feel like he continues to bless even when I am less than faithful, more than a sinner, and a weary child of God. I can't explain it... I just have to say GOD IS SO GOOD!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Myths of Motherhood

I've read the last "What I wish I knew before I had kids" article. I think some are funny, and they use exageration in a very funny way... but why so negative?
Yes, moms talk a lot about poop. Yes, we get snot blown on us by the occasional sneeze, yes, we are sleep deprived, and sometimes loopy because of it. But anyone can focus on the negatives only of any one blessing and  make it sound horrible.
So, maybe I can be the one blogger that clears up some of the "Myths" of motherhood...

Myth #1: All we ever talk about is Poop! No, we talk about what CAUSES the poop, too. As a mom, we're concerned with EVERY aspect of these bundles of joy. We make sure all the food groups are presented, then we realize what foods cause what "stuff" to come out... and alter accordingly. We do it because we've been given this huge honor to raise these little babies, and food... and poo is part of that.

Myth #2: You will loathe your children... yes, this was in more than one of those "mommy blogs". I was shocked to think that some moms loathe their children... but I think this is said more as a way to be humourous... I hope. So, here's the deal. You will get SUPER frustrated. When you mop the floor and within seconds turn around to see cake smeared across the floor,  you get frustrated. When your potty training and the child just keeps pooping in their undies (oops, am I talking about poo again?), you are ready to sit in the snow to cool off... or when you've been up for the 18th time in one night, you just might yell "SHUT UP!" to your 6mo old from the kitchen... but you love them. You love them more than you can ever imagine. You'd do anything for them. You may grit your teeth as you mop, wipe up, and cuddle that never ending crying baby, but you love them with something so deep within you that you could never in a million years express. This doesn't mean you want to be around them AT. ALL. TIMES. But you miss them every minute your away. Its just what comes along with motherhood... and its AWESOME!

Myth #3: Going out will never be the same... oh wait! That one isn't a myth. You will never go out to eat the same again. Either you've hauled your kids out, or you've worked for weeks to line up a baby sitter, written a list, just to go out alone with your husband for ONE hour! And when your out, even if you try, the kids and whether they are being good for the sitter is always in the back of your mind... No, this one is NOT a myth!... however, never before has it been so fun to stay home on a saturday night! They are just THAT worth it. (

Myth #4: Nothing You do will ever be good enough... Sure people give you advice, and sure you question your parenting skills on a regular basis... but that tiny baby, that 2 year old shadow, or that 5 year old kindergartener thinks you are the best! They love you when you've let them fall off the couch at 2 months old. They love you when you fail to give them PBJ for the 18th day in a row... and they REALLY love you if you do! They love you when you go to pick them up from school, and even when you drop them off. You can do no wrong... now, I don't have kids over the age of 5, so I'm not sure if this is true when they are 10, 12, 16... but deep down, they know you love them, right?

Myth #5: Your kids will own you! This does not HAVE to be true! Sure, you can let them parent, and set the rules, and manipulate you, and I do agree your priorities change, your lifestyle changes... but they dont' OWN you! they are YOUR children, raise them accordingly. This part is up to you. Children want leadership, they want parents. Its our job to be that parent.

I love my kids. I love motherhood, heck, I've made a career out of it! And I can't really say that its all glamourous, but I can say I enjoy my life and Motherhood has changed me for the better! (That being said as my 1 year old BITES my toe!) And I would hope that all moms to be would be filled with hope as they begin this journey, not fearful of all the horror stories... Motherhood is a blessing! Its not easy, its not always kind to our bodies, or our faces, or our fashion... but it does far more to our inner selves, far more than I have words to describe. Its pure joy! I just can't say much more! Its pure Joy!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

And the Line is THERE!!!!

About 6 weeks ago, I had this odd inner feeling. I didn't even know how to explain it to Dave, but I just decided to go check under the bathroom sink to see if there was a left over pregnancy test. I've never been one that feels I HAVE to take multiple tests to confirm what the first test says, so I figured since last time we bought a package with a "FREE TEST" in it, I'd have one. I got up early, took the test... stared at the test... nothing... then wait, what was that, is that a tiny pink line? No, I'm just seeing things, maybe the energy saver light bulb hasn't gotten to its brightest spot yet... Oh, no, its there, its turing pink... And there ya had it, staring me back in the face was the number 4! (well, not really, it was just a little faint pink line, but it was screaming FOUR!!! FOUR KIDS!!! FOURTH BABY! at me).
I went and got Dave up, had him squint his eyes and tell me if I was seeing things or not... he saw it right away and said "Ok, then God, no problem" then looked at me with stern eyes and said "WE ARE DONE!" (well, not really STERN, more of a half smirk, and laugh). He knows I'm super fertile, so I think he wasn't surprised at all. Probably more excited about this being a definately LAST and that he would forever shut me up about the conversation of having more. "Should we, Dave?"
I am SUPERDY DUPERDY excited! I am a tad bit shocked at how much love one person can have in their heart. I mean, I love this bean, I'm pretty attached, and he (or if God is THAT funny) she has had so many prayers already prayed over him (uh huh, or her) that IT is definately attached to this family! I am pleased that I was equally excited about each pregnancy. I really thought the wonder of it all would wear off by the time you've had this many... but I am still in total awe of what God is doing, and how sometimes I feel like he does it all just for me!
A few months back I began praying. Before I even mentioned it to Dave. I felt this strong draw that our family wasn't complete. That there was still this one particular kid that belonged in this family. When I mentioned it to Dave, he nodded his head and said "Well, lets pray about that." And within months (no more than 2) here we are. So I have no doubt in my mind that God has mighty plans for this Nathanael Paul, or Nora Rose (this may change, IF it really is a girl... I've said these words before... and got the girl, I am very aware of that!). This baby is a Ciske through and through, and God heard my prayers and surprised me with a huge blessing!
So, if you'd continue to pray for a happy healthy next 6 months, I would appreciate it!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Farts and School

We aren't ones to discuss flatulent acts here at the Ciske home. We don't promote it, encourage it, or talk about it... but it happens. FARTS happen!
Recently for a reading lesson we played a varied version of "Scrabble Slam". I would make easy 3 letter words for Lily to read quickly, then change the easy word to a "harder" word that Zech could sound out. Then with the final cards in my hand I noticed I could spell the word "FART" So I laid it down and told Lily it was a "Challenge word" (she's 4 remember?) So she begins to sound it out. FFFFFAAARRRRTTTT! She begins laughing hysterically and Zech yells FART! We all laughed we even sang a rhyming song for the word "Art, Smart, Cart, wonderific its terrific, Part, Mart, Dart, Wonderific its terrific FART!" The kids were rolling on the floor, I was laughing, it was a GREAT reading/rhyming lesson!
For the rest of the week, I could contain the "toot" talk, and we went on with our lives. Today though the kids wanted something special for breakfast. I searched the cabinet and offered them a granola bar. Then realized it was a Fiber One granola bar. So I warned them that it may make them toot more, or have to go potty a lot. (which is what we need for one of them... don't you know moms think about their children's regularity). When school started today was just about the time the fiber one bars began their work in Lily.
She in one room, Zech in another as I TRIED to teach him lessons on subtraction. She passes gas, he giggles. I ignored. But it got too much for him to handle. I told him he needed to get control or he'd be sent to him room prolonging the end of school. He ended up in his room. Only to return to crack up laughing when he opened his mouth.
Again to his room. Came back in opened his mouth to answer a problem only to find that laughter spilled out. Who knew toots were so so hilarious. Eventually I gave up, sent him to his desk to finish a stack of worksheets (some of which we usually do as part of the lesson). He diligently works, comes back for a quick check of his papers. When I send him back to make some corrections, he begins to complain. So I tell him "Just imagine your sister FARTING"... he finished his work as he laughed.
School has to be fun, right?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Homeschooling's perfect example!

When we started homeschooling, I had the routine down! I would start the day out with all three kiddos. The, then, 9mo old would sit and listen to the opening book, watch her brother and sister say the pledge, do the weather, count the days, add to the calendar. All was well. She'd lay down for a good 2 hour nap, and school was quiet and calm... Then she turned ONE! and that morning nap isn't 2 hours anymore. So as hard as I have tried to work around her and continue our schedule, she has proven to me that she'll make it harder on me than I could ever expect... and just when I get the routine down, she'll change it.

Today was the perfect example of how chaotic homeschooling can be, and just how wonderfully pleasing it can be as well.
We start late because the 1 year old has decided to dump all the paints (lids on) and all the pattern blocks. I want the kids to learn in clean areas, its only fair, right! One mess after another. I sit down with Lily and start her writing lessons as Zech does online reading lessons. I walk in to check in on Zech to notice the basket of laundry I had folded was now strewn all about the living room... the CLEAN living room! I gather the clothes, tell her a stern no (as she grins, and struts her 1 year old stuff!) I scoop her up and try for a morning nap.
I return to Lily who has now mastered the writing of the # 2 and is as proud as a 4 year old can be! My 5 year old is standing on a chair waving his arms around as he completes his level of reading with a fabulous score and is ushered into the next level of reading. Oh the joys of seeing them learn... and be happy about it!
We officially begin our day in school with our morning routine (book, calendar, days of the week, weather, pledge, memory verse, prayer...) all while little miss 1 year old screams in her crib. Violet no longer sings the good night songs, Ruby is fully awake.  I let her up thinking she can handle just one nap.
This is how it went.
Me: reading with Lily
Lily: Reading (READING! A BOOK... really well!)
Zech: Doing seat work (he LOVES seatwork, and is learning to sit quietly and diligently do his work)
Me: "hold on Lily, keep your finger at your place, I need to keep Ruby from knocking over the Wii" or "Oop, Lily, hold it there, let me get your sister before she eats the pattern blocks" or "Keep reading, Lily, I can hear you! Let me just grab Ruby before she climbs up the bookshelf!"
But the joy in it all, is how quickly Lily picked up the words she didn't know. How easily she learned to follow the words with her finger as she read. How her confidence rose with each passing page. As she sounded out words right and left creating a complete story all on her own. She can now read to herself all those books she's been stacking since she was 2 years old! What a joy, what an honor, what a blessing to know that I TAUGHT THIS TO HER!  I was there the moment she got that "AHA" moment and could figure this reading thing out! I love teaching them!

Then, its Zech's turn. He has a new book to read. We are focusing on reading with ease. If he has to sound things out, that's fine, but then he has to go back and reread it smoothly. And with voice inflection. With emotion.
Me: listening to Zech read
Zech: reading with the cutest little tones
Lily: Seat work (she thinks she's SO big!)
Ruby: eating a crayon!
Me: "UhOh! Keep reading, let me grab that crayon!
Me: "Ruby, come listen to Zech's story"
Ruby: Arching her back, slapping the book, screaming to get down
Zech: Reading louder, neck crooked, arms flailing to block the occasional blows from his sister.
Me: Lets Ruby go... tries to focus on the reading wonder boy! He struggled at first. I was so scared when I began teaching him that I would have no clue how to teach the boy to read. Last year at this time he knew the letter sounds, but not really "how to read". But he caught on quickly, claims he doesn't like it, but loves the way he feels when he closes that book knowing he's read it all by himself. He amazes me when he can read with such fluidity words I never knew he knew. When he sees the words "grandma" or "favorite" for the first time, how does he know that's the word? I close my eyes and praise God for the brains my kids must have gotten from their daddy! Just then, KABOOM! All the toys on the "activity" shelf are down!
Ruby: laughing in wicked delight as she has reached from a "taller than her" shelf all the fun toys she couldn't play with before... hence the reason they were kept high up.
UpWords tiles to clean, paints, paintbrushes, flashcards, counting chips, dominoes... now all over the floor.
Zech finishes up his book. The packers won the big game, Zech now has a new favorite book that he tucks away in his bedroom to read later. (oh how this brings me joy!)
The older two get some free time, Ruby and I clean up.
Then I take time for her. I get out a puzzle and we look at all the pictures.
Chicken goes "bahk bahk bahk"... She says "babababa" This makes me happy!
Sheep goes "baaa baaa baaa"... She says "Baaa hahahaha" This makes me laugh!
Duck goes "Quack Quack" She says "ack ack ack"... this makes me so proud I text Dave with her accomplishments!
Here we are, all in one room... a VERY messy room, as happy as could be!
If this day (this little 3 hour homeschool day) isn't the perfect example of the life of a homeschooler, I don't know what is. The stress of doing it right, the chaos of having 3 kids at very different levels of learning, catering to them all in one group, but also separately on their own level added with the pure joy of seeing them learn. Seeing each one grasp what they've been struggling to accomplish, then beam with pride. This is what homeschooling is... the ups and downs, the constant moving to keep up... the moment they learn something, whether its to read with fluidity and comprehension, or the sound a cow makes... they are all so very joyous!
I am SO happy I made this decision...

Ruby's a year old!

I have been working very hard every day to get 1 year portraits done of this ever-growing- ever-moving energetic one year old... but so far, no luck... so when I do, her post will go here. Poor girl has worn the same outfit for at least 30min of every day! She has proven to be the hardest of all three to get pics of! I will leave you of a pic of her 1 year ago...

Monday, January 3, 2011


In the past 10 years the news has stayed in business with stories after stories...
Attacks on 9/11, War in Iraq... and Afghanistan, Hurricane Katrina, Asian Tsunami, International spies captured, Wikileaks, Beiber fever... but the story that has the biggest impact on my life was the story I was creating with my best friend, my partner in life, my God-given husband.
As we dined by candlelight (with interruptions from the 3 GORGEOUS kids we've welcomed into this world in the past 10 years), we discussed how fast those 10 years went by.
Our first year we both worked, had the freedom to get to know one another, be in ministry together, it was a GREAT first year. The 2nd year we packed up and moved a few states away and entered into full time ministry. Finally understanding how strong we had to be in order to be an effective ministry TEAM! Our 3rd year was calm. And our 4th year was exciting. We were pregnant, we were having changes in ministry. Things were VERY rough at the church, but very exciting at home as we watched a baby boy grow and move inside my belly. By the 5th year, we were looking for a new ministry position, welcomed our first baby into the world, and by the end of that year we packed up and moved from MO to CA. A total leap of faith, an adventure we will always remember. 6 days in the car with an 8mo old was something no one will forget! our 6th year, we struggled in ministry. We found that our relationship was strong, was what kept us focused, and happy in the midst of what could be a very depressing time. We clung to one another as we were so far away from any other family. We learned that the family God was creating in us (as we were then pregnant with our 2nd child) was the family that would always be there (in proximity). And we made some tough decisions that year. By year 7, we were back in the Midwest at a new ministry, struggling to find the right balance. Dave working 2 jobs, me being at home with 2 little ones. It may have been our hardest year, and I say that knowing it wasn't all that hard. We struggled with the dynamics of having two kids under the age of 3, one going through the terrible 2s, then 3s, the other just being a needy baby. By year 8 we had this parenting thing down! We were recovering from the stress of the year before. At the beginning of year 9 we got pregnant a third time, then lost that baby. We, for the first time, were grieving together. Learning how each would handle the situation, we comforted each other, prayed for one another, and got pregnant again. The rest of that year is a blurr to me! Year 10 is comparable to our first year... so easy, so fun, so established. We were now professional parents as we welcomed our 3rd baby, happy, comfortable, and growing closer than we had in years past. So now, as we start another 10 years, I am blessed to be doing life with this man! We are so good together. It has been such an easy road for us. I know this is not the case for so many married couples, so I count this as a blessing. We discussed what makes it so easy for us, why do we have such an amazing marriage? And if you know us you'd know, we LOVE to talk! We cuddle...and talk. We eat dinner together... and talk! Even when he's at work, I call daily... to talk! We fight... we talk it out. We parent by talking about the situation, the consequences, the joys, the milestones. We talk! and we talk a lot! (I am so blessed to have married a talker, huh!?) We were made for one another, we are the perfect combination! And as much as I look forward to all God's going to do in the next 10 years, I have to say it'd be fine with me if those next 10 years could go a bit slower!
Happy 10th wedding anniversary, Babe! I love you more than I can ever express! Thanks so much for being who God wants you to be in our marriage! Here's to the next 10 (and the next 10, and the next 10...)!

Pics to come soon!