Saturday, December 31, 2011

Get it together, Woman!

Today is the last day of 2011! Tomorrow starts a new day, a new year, a new task! I plan on taking a 31 day journey in the month of January to become more productive. I'll be researching, putting things into practice, learning by trial and error, and hopefully coming out a more productive person for the year 2012!
So, today, this last day of the year, I need to get this house clean, my Sunday school materials ready, my kids bathed, their clothes laid out and ready to begin a new year filled with less stress, less disorganization, less unproductive-ness... but I have no motivation. I wanted to do all this yesterday, even the day before that... well, really every day since the day after Christmas... but I find myself lounging, putting it off, putting it off... and then putting it off. I don't want that anymore. I want it to be done!

I've been living the life of a mom with a newborn. Sleep when he sleeps (except, I do have THREE other kids that don't sleep on a newborn's schedule). I was up many times a night, up early, up late... my life was a blurr... but I'm over that now. I don't want to live that way again, I'm ready for a life of productivity! I NEED a life of productivity. I am a homeschooler, a mom of a preschooler,a mother of an infant, in ministry with my husband, and a wife... I don't want to neglect any of those roles. So I'm not going to! I'm going to learn to be productive...
Wanna join me? What do you want to learn, gain, change? Take a 31 day challenge with me. Use the next 31 days to learn a new craft, gain wisdom in an area you may be lacking, work at changing an area of your life... I'd love to learn from you, maybe even read along for another 31 day challenge for myself another month!
Here's what you do... Pick your topic, start TOMORROW, research it, put things into practice, find out what works for you, what doesn't. Get inspiration from blogs, friends, self help books and then blog about the journey (or make a note in Facebook about it) each day. The goal is to focus on change on a daily basis, and by the end of 31 days see that change in your life. Whether it be to be healthier, thinner, smarter, craftier, or more organized. I will first try to be more productive... Starting tomorrow!
You with me?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so with you; it's like you are inside my head! I will definitely take your challenge! Good luck to you.
