Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Family Planner to have or not to have?

I've been reading about the family planners that everyone raves about. The bloggers who are pushing them say they are they key to being organized and productive... I see it as one more thing to do. So I may go ahead and create one tomorrow, put it into practice, and see how it goes for the rest of my 21 days!
The writers over at Parenting with Miss Poppins have put this darling one together.
It does look so very organized!
I have a TON of pocket protectors, and binders... I'm just wondering if it will feel like MORE work to fill out paperwork on my everyday life. But, I do so love lists...
Here's a few more...
Over at I Heart Organizing
they have a pretty organized (and full) binder as well.
 These lists look very tempting. And I do feel like they would help...
And her binder is so adorable...

So I'll either do it starting tomorrow... or maybe I"ll make February a 28days to my family binder! haha
Oh, and if its totally illegal and wrong with me copying these pictures, I do so appologize! I did provide the links above, So... let me know if I've broken any rules... I think these are fabulous!
tomorrow, I'll give you an update... and I need to start working on some household chores for everyone, me doing it all just isn't cutting it! Still praying about that. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. ADHD & ADD

    ADHD er en psykiatrisk diagnose gitt til personer som oppfyller et minimumskrav for kriterier relatert til kroniske forekomster av hyperaktivitet, impulsivitet og / eller vanskeligheter knyttet til organisering og oppmerksomhet.
